3 Reasons why People at Work may feel Disengaged

I recently came across an article claiming that 70% of employees are actively disengaged and feel dissatisfied with their workplace. It reminded me of Milton from the movie Office Space—a team member who is ignored, disrespected, and poorly managed, leading to an ending that is less than ideal for his employer. I won’t spoil it for you, but the lesson is clear.

Many factors contribute to how Milton feels about his job, and today I’ll share a few reasons why your team members might feel less than excited about their current roles. I’ll also highlight what you, as a manager, can do to initiate change.

Weak Company Culture

When people discuss corporate culture, it often conjures images of “Google-esque” workplaces—free meals, nap rooms, regular outings, etc. The reality is that corporate culture encompasses much more than perks; it is fundamentally about communication. More specifically, it revolves around open dialogues regarding goals, performance, and recognition.

A study by O.C. Tanner found that 79% of team members who left their jobs cited a lack of appreciation as a key reason. Imagine retaining 79% of your staff simply by recognizing and valuing their contributions! This effort begins with a strong corporate culture. If you haven’t yet collaborated with your leadership team to establish a clear vision for your culture, stop what you’re doing and start today.

Few Opportunities for Growth

Another critical question to ask yourself is: Are there opportunities for my team to grow here? This includes not only career advancement and promotions but also professional development, community engagement, and team building. What opportunities exist within your organization for staff to enhance their skills and capabilities?

Gallup research indicates that “career advancement and promotional opportunities” account for 32% of reasons why people leave their jobs—nearly a third of respondents, making it the largest segment by a wide margin. At Prizm Media, we emphasize succession planning, encouraging managers and executives to understand each team member’s unique needs and provide resources for their personal and professional growth.

Poor Creative Expression

Many companies fail to engage their teams in a way that fosters creative expression. Great ideas may be floating around, but if leaders don’t take the time to discover and implement their team’s insights, those ideas remain unrealized. Engaging your team in innovation is crucial, as it aligns their efforts with business goals and fosters a sense of unity.

Companies today are adopting creative approaches to workplace innovation. For example, Google famously allocates 20% of its employees’ time to passion projects, leading to some of their most successful products. While not every company has the resources to execute large-scale passion projects, supporting team members’ initiatives regularly can stimulate innovation and foster appreciation for creative input.

At Prizm Media, our team enjoys the freedom to collaborate and share ideas across all levels of the organization. Many team members have successfully executed passion projects that align with our mission and vision. The sky is the limit when it comes to great ideas, and we cultivate an environment that encourages their execution.

What opportunities exist within your organization to grant your team the freedom to innovate, express creativity, or tap into their entrepreneurial spirit? This practice may not suit every organization, but it can reinvigorate top performers, generate remarkable ideas, and renew commitment to your company.

If you sense that your team is dissatisfied with their jobs, consider your role as a leader. Reflect on these questions: Does the culture need improvement? Are there growth opportunities available? Is there dissatisfaction among team members?

By thoughtfully addressing these concerns, you might turn frustrated team members into star performers, potentially saving yourself from the challenges that Milton’s employer faced!

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